Support Initiatives
August 29, 2015

Two sisters to be raped as punishment – demand justice!

Your eyes do not deceive you. An unelected all-male village council in India has ordered that 23-year-old Meenakshi Kumari and her 15-year-old sister are raped.

The ‘sentence’ was handed down as punishment after their brother eloped with a married woman. They also ordered for the sisters to be paraded naked with blackened faces. Nothing could justify this abhorrent punishment. It’s not fair. It’s not right. And it is against the law. It is a clear violation of human rights and misogynistic act against women as their bodies are abused as a space for "legal" punishment.

Demand that the local authorities intervene immediately and sign Amnesty International's petition to send out a message to the ones who approve illegal punishment methods!

Call to Action
Two sisters to be raped as punishment – demand justice!