Support Initiatives
August 20, 2021

Support this emergency Afghan rescue mission

It is hard to not feel a strong sense of urgency with the situation in Afghanistan. With the promises made in the Taliban’s Tuesday press conference crumbling before the world’s eyes, it is paramount that we act to help those most vulnerable to the Taliban’s persecution. 

The empty pledge of amnesty for translators and collaborators of Western forces has put many in severe and imminent danger. The scenes at Kabul international airport are just a surface level display of people's fear and desperation. We must answer it. 

A vital and urgent GoFundMe page, FLYWAY: EMERGENCY AFGHAN RESCUE MISSION, has been set up to fund emergency rescue flights. Created in just two days for a single flight rescuing over 300 Afghan citizens, the page raised $5 million in less than 24 hours. 

The specific flight rescued individuals who were being systematically hunted by the Taliban for their work in aiding Western forces before their abandonment of the country. Other than interpreters, the flight passengers included human rights lawyers, women’s and LGBTQ rights advocates, journalists and artists. All of these individuals had a slim chance of survival and were likely to be executed. 

Despite the success of the first flight, there are still many more individuals who are in imminent danger of execution. It is very literally a matter of raising enough money to evacuate these individuals. All those on the manifest have been vetted for arrival in the US, and the page aims to send out two more airplanes or more to rescue as many as it can. 

To have an immediate effect on this dire situation, and to, very literally, rescue brave individuals from the Taliban, you can donate here. Alternatively, please share the page with friends, family and colleagues.

Image by: Luca Conti

Call to Action
Support this emergency Afghan rescue mission