Support Initiatives
November 28, 2017

Germany: No more separations of families!

Many refugees in Germany have close relatives left behind in their countries of origin, in neighboring states or on the Balkan route. In many cases it is just too dangerous for women and children to follow up, often the financial resources are just enough for the escape of only one person. While those arriving in Germany sometimes wait for years for a decision in their asylum procedure, their families often wait under the most difficult and dangerous circumstances.

However, with the "Asylum Package II" the possibility for a family reunification for subsidiary protected persons was suspended for two years; their situation has become even more hopeless - because now, also refugees from Syria only receive subsidiary protection. In plain language, this means a separation for years for many families: In addition to the duration of the asylum procedure and the tightening of laws, the waiting period for a visa application in the German embassies of the neighboring Syrian countries takes many months.

The German Bundestag must finally act on these points! The protection and value of marriage and family is anchored in the German constitution. It must also be fully valid for refugees and their families. Therefore the German association PRO ASYL e.V. demands an end to the suspension of family reunification for subsidiary protected persons and an advancement of visa procedures for their family members who are entitled to follow-up.

Support the work of PRO ASYL e.V. by signing their petition, donation and/or spreading their articles in your circles!

Call to Action
Germany: No more separations of families!